
Friday, August 3, 2012

Overrated Family Dinners to Busting Homeschool Myths

Just a few of my reads this week, enjoy!

How to Raise a Child  A review of Madeline Levine's Teach Your Children Well, pulls some interesting excerpts from the book about children with "broken spirits" that are pushed to the limits of what our society deems successful.  It's a review that has me putting this book on my list of "want to read."

Busting the “I Don’t Have the Patience to Homeschool” Myth  I'm not a homeschooling mother, nor do I plan to be, but this beautifully written post spoke to me.  It brought up feelings I've been having but wasn't fully aware of about sending my older son to preschool.  I've been looking forward to it, partly for selfish reasons of wanting a little more quiet in the house, to get things done.  Though I have no problem spending all day with my children, this writer's words helped keep me in check about my time I do have with them.

Is the Family Dinner Overrated?  A look at the statistics that "glorify" eating dinners together as a family, has these writers doubting its praises.  They critique past studies and discuss their own look into its benefits.  I have to say the family dinner is overrated, if it isn't utilized as a way to connect with family.  My family eats dinner together every night.  We always talk during these meals, it's just what our family does.  My husband and I were both raised this way, so its a natural thing for us.  Many families have different ways of connecting with their children, dinner just happens to be the time most are all together, or used to be?  From what I'm reading elsewhere, many families schedules don't meet up at dinner as much as they used to.  Maybe breakfast will be the new bonding time of the future?


  1. I agree with you on all points- Just because a family is together around a table doesn't mean a connection is being made- especially in this digital day. Good resources for keeping awareness...

    1. Thanks Tricia. So many people I meet, so many articles I've read, and media I've seen mention how different families are, so why would we all share the same bonding time or activity?


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