
About Me

“Little moments” are several things to me; 

  • A child sharing the results of an important painting or block structure they've been working on.
  • A child interpreting topics or concepts they don’t fully understand, usually very humorously!
  • When I see my guidance and hard work with children reflected in their play and social interactions.  
  • When I see the chance to follow a child's lead and add to their learning experience.
These little moments, and how you approach and react to them, can have a lasting impact on a child.

I am a military wife and mother of two boys; ages seven and three.  We love exploring our surroundings wherever the military sends us.  Most days we enjoy block building; 

  • wooden blocks
  • magnet blocks
  • Lego blocks
  • cardboard blocks
  • tree blocks
Yes we have a lot of blocks!  Blank surfaces are our inspiration and a passion of mine when it comes to creating, but above all, work is play in our family.  

I've worked with children professionally for nine years in various capacities; from child care teacher, to developmental screening specialist.  I've had the opportunity and privilege to learn from some very respected members of the early childhood community, and it has empowered me to share with others what I know is important for young children as we prepare them for a lifetime of learning.

I by no means pretend to have all the answers, and I don’t always follow my own advice.  I am human after all!  I do hope you find my thoughts and reflections helpful, or at least something you can identify with.  Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or both, happy reading, and embrace all those little moments!


P.S.  I also write over at Military Wife Military Life.  It's more focused on the Military aspect of our lives if you are interested or can relate!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,

    I'd like to feature your produce play dough post on my Kid's Co-Op post this week. Is that okay with you? If so, do you have an image at least 560 x 300 in size that I can use in the feature? Thanks! Email me when you get the chance at


I love hearing from you, stop by any time!